What’s Going On In My Mind?

Photography for me, was an obsession once. It was for years. It was something i feel i had to do everyday. I would feel sad, If i would miss a single day. I knew i just had to be out there and do my things. It gave me great joy for sure. 

But Evolution is part of our practice and life. Your opinions and beliefs may change with time as you progress in life. When i was growing up i had no art background. The only thing i can say i was close to art that i liked to observe small things. Maybe that’s something shaped my photography. But it was just a starting point. The real learning is practice. You have to practice your art meanwhile i feel theoretical knowledge about the same is also necessary, Because it helps you set up your base. When i was starting out i used to study the work of photographers a lot. and i used to make small notes about them in my diary. That’s something i go through when i want to relive those memories. 

Graduated from an Engineering background, Photography was something new to me at that time. I got camera out of social media craze. Photography came to me accidentally. But it’s one of the happiest accident of my life. As you practice your art, You make friends. Photography is such a great medium. It feels like a passport to me. I love how it helps me enter into the lives of strangers. & some strangers do become friends over the period of time. That’s one of the aspect i like most about photography. If not for photography i would not have met Eben, A very good friend of mine and a very good photographer too. It helps you build connection of a bridge over the rivers.

His support for my photography has been immense as i have for his. 

Photography also helps you learn a lots of things about life. It made me very patient over the years. It’s a journey. I just wish to enjoy this journey, The medium of expressing myself could be anything, Photos, Films etc. 

When i decided to turn my passion into a profession, I knew the journey would be very tough. I started with my ‘Bombay Night’ tours. Where i explore this Mumbai city with fellow photographers from sunset to sunrise. I am happy for the people who believed in me and joined me on my tours. It was learning curve for me too. Once you do such tours, You need to be very organized about it, & make sure participants are comfortable during the whole tour. I hope to keep on taking such tours.

Photography workshops is something i would love to do. But not in near future. This city is huge. I have explored it for few years through the prism of Festivals, Events, Random places, Famous places. I still have a great admiration for it. I would keep on doing it.

But i feel, I want to work on social documentary photography projects too at the same time with other things. I currently have few things on my mind regarding the same. I hope to start working on it soon.

These current and coming months are going to be packed with festivals and events. I need to decided how much should i document them. Probably i would not go to the same places where i have gone before for such festivals and events. also my wedding project is entering it’s third season. I am very hopeful that i can start to travel for weddings around the country from this year only.

Thank you so much for reading. Hope to speak my mind again very soon.