February 2024 has been a studious month. I went on to study a lot about art, films & life. Everything i do in my daily routine, But taking photographs never stops. I’ll always find time for it. When you are documenting this city for a quite while to be honest, There comes a point, You think, How should i continue to document it? 

May be i just need to keep going out, while being on streets, I’ll find answers to my questions. Right questions are very important in your journey. It helps us to push and expand our way of seeing. This month i documented few weddings, took a few sunrise to sunset walks, shot a few religious and political processions, took few tours along with Bombay Nights walk. 

It’s not possible to look and show every work i make. I haven’t seen 90% of the work from February yet. They will marinate well in my archives. all the photos in this blog were made in the month of February.

Here’s a small set of photographs from my Bombay nights walk.

Few Photographs from the weddings i have documented in February 2024.

Symbol of Love

This city is strange

Photographs from the city of Dreams

Streets of Mumbai

River of Garbage

Thank you for your time.